Our Mission
Blue Stars Performing Arts for Youth is committed to developing life skills in young people through education and achievement in the performing arts. Students learn how applying teamwork, dedication, perseverance, goal setting, and discipline, contributes to their success now and in their future endeavors.
Our Vision
The Blue Stars Vision, quite simply, is to be the marching arts organization of choice for members, staff, and volunteers. We strive to build a lifelong family of camaraderie and friendship for our alumni and supporters. We aspire to be competitively successful at the highest levels and entertaining to our many fans.
Our Values
Members are why we exist. Staff creates what we do. Volunteers and Donors are how we do it. All are integral to our success.
As stated by our founders in 1964, we strive for excellence in everything we do – not just local or regional excellence, but excellence on the national and world stage.
We value and respect the resources shared with us by our supporters, and thus we endeavor to use them wisely and efficiently.
Open and honest communication fosters trust and teamwork.
Only through maximum effort and commitment can our goals be achieved. Finis Coronat Opus - The End Crowns the Work.