Is there a main, multi-day audition camp in November like in past years?
We are hosting a series of 1-day audition experience camps throughout the country. We encourage you to attend the 1-day event closest to you or complete Round One audition via video. Callback Camps will be held in January for brass, percussion, and conductors. Color Guard Callback Camp will be planned for late April.
Why do I have to pay the registration fee before receiving the audition materials?
It is very expensive to hold audition camps for a drum and bugle corps. As is the trend in drum corps, we are requiring prepayment for the registration fee for all 2025 audition camps. This allows us to more closely track registration numbers for food and instruction preparations. Additionally, prepayment will relieve what has become an extremely long and time-consuming registration line at the start of the camp.
Which camp should I attend?
You should attend the audition camp closest to where you live. There is no difference in the evaluation process at one location or another (there is no advantage to making the corps at any given location). You only need to attend one of the various audition camps during November and December.
Can I audition via video?
Yes, we do allow auditions via video. However, you must pay the audition fee before we watch and evaluate your talent. To submit a video, purchase the video audition packet for your section and follow the instructions. Questions about video auditions can be sent to the director via email.
Note that if your video audition is successful, we will ask you to attend the January call back camp. We very rarely offer a contract for a position solely on a video audition.
How many camps do I need to attend to be in the 2025 Blue Stars?
The Blue Stars are committed to keeping total membership costs as low as possible. As part of that pledge, we have reduced the number of in-person camps to the absolute minimum needed for us to have a successful season. Much progress can now be made virtually to provide a solid base with which to start spring training.
Brass and percussion auditionees will complete a Round One audition (at a 1-Day Camp or via Video). Call backs will attend the January Call Back Camp. Brass has a camp in March. Brass and percussion have one additional rehearsal camp at the end of April before spring training starts in late May.
Guard auditionees will complete a first round audition (at a 1-Day Camp or via Video) and will then be expected to attend the April Camp with spring training starting in late May.
Should my parents come to the audition camp?
They can, but it isn’t required. There will be one or two virtual parents meetings in November for parents to learn about the organization and ask questions about the 2025 season. Our continued operation is dependent upon the support and volunteerism of many parents, and this meeting serves as a good opportunity for your parents to meet the people in charge.
As always, questions about the Blue Stars can be sent via email to the director.
Do you provide transportation to and from the airport?
The Blue Stars WILL provide shuttle transportation for Indiana camps, however, we DO NOT provide transportation to and from the airport for any other 1-Day Camps. If you are flying into a city for a 1-Day event you will be on your own for transportation, lodging, and any meals outside of lunch during the experience camp. We may be able to help you secure a ride, but it is not guaranteed.
Where is your membership from?
The Blue Stars membership comes from across the United States and from around the world.
How many members in each section will you march?
In 2025, we will take 165 members on the road with us; the maximum number allowed by the rules of Drum Corps International. The breakdown between sections will not be decided until all auditions have taken place. At that time we will decide how to use the 165 limit based on the talent auditioning for the various sections and the needs of the season’s show.
What will I have to do during the audition?
You will be evaluated based on your musical/performance ability, your marching ability, an administrative interview, and your attitude throughout the audition camp. See Auditions for more information.
Do I need to bring my own equipment to the audition?
Due to the large number of auditionees, we ask brass players to bring their own horn to the audition camp (trumpet, mellophone, marching baritone, marching euphonium, or marching tuba). There will be a limited number of Blue Stars’ instruments available for checkout, but please bring your own horn if possible. Brass players should also bring a wire music stand and printed copies of all audition materials. Any candidate using a Blue Stars' horn will also need to wear white gloves (available for purchase at the camp).
Battery percussion candidates should bring a pair of marching snare or tenor sticks. We will also have snare and tenor sticks available for purchase at the camp. Bass and front ensemble mallets are provided. Battery candidates should also bring a drum pad (snare or tenor, as appropriate). Both the battery and front ensemble candidates should bring a wire music stand and printed copies of all audition materials.
Guard candidates should bring a saber and/or rifle if you wish to audition on those pieces of equipment. There will be a limited amount available, but not enough for all. Flags will be provided.
Can I audition to be a Conductor?
Yes, Conductor audition packets may be purchased. We audition for conductor spots every season. The number of conductors we choose can fluctuate from year to year. The first round of auditions for conductors occurs via video, with final decisions made at the January call back camp. For additional conductor questions, please email director@bluestars.org.
How many openings are there this year?
165 positions are available. Nobody is guaranteed a spot. Everyone is required to re-audition every year for membership in the Blue Stars.
What is the minimum age to be a member of the Blue Stars?
Members of the Blue Stars are 16 or older. On very rare occasions a 15-year-old has shown the maturity and skills necessary to be part of the organization. We do allow young adults in high school regardless of age to audition and learn about what we expect and how we operate as well as letting us get to know you for consideration in future seasons.
What is the maximum age you can be and be a member of the Blue Stars?
According to DCI rules one must be 21 or younger on June 1, 2025 in order to be eligible to march the 2025 season.
Does the corps offer scholarships to march?
The Blue Stars offer a small number of scholarships. Many of our members, however, have had success in funding their corps experience through sponsorship. We can help you put together packages and letters to ask for sponsorships, however, it is ultimately the member’s responsibility to obtain sponsorship. Be advised that all members will be required to pay the full dues amount in order to participate in the 2025 Blue Stars. If you anticipate needing assistance with funds, it is best to get started as early as possible and discuss your situation with the corps director.
Do I need to be vaccinated for COVID-19?
We highly recommend that all members, staff, and volunteers on the road with the Blue Stars be fully vaccinated to protect against COVID-19.
What if I march in winter guard?
This is not a problem. A majority of our color guard has marched in winter guard programs in past years. The guard is only required to come to a November/December audition camp (or audition via video) and the April camp.
What if I march in winter percussion?
This is not an issue, as we have many of our members perform in winter percussion programs. The percussion section is required to come to a November/December audition camp (or audition via video), the January callback camp, and the April camp.
I'm going to be a college freshman next year. What if the season conflicts with orientation at the school I decide to go to?
With more than half of our members being of college age, we deal with issues like this all the time. Most colleges have more than one set of dates for orientation. With DCI finals being held in early August, it is usually early enough that you would be at an orientation prior to school. We will do whatever we have to do to make it work, as long as we can avoid you missing a major DCI event.
Typically, the orientation is only 2-3 days. Attend the audition camp in November/December and go through the audition process. When you decide on your school tell us the dates in question for orientation. We will look at the tour schedule, and see what can be worked out. Please understand that the more notice we have, the easier it is to work these type of conflicts out.
Does the corps provide housing for members for spring training?
We will provide housing for you for the entirety of spring training, as well as all meals. If you arrive in the spring training location earlier than our scheduled move-in date, you will be responsible for your own food and housing.
Will marching with a drum corps negatively affect my embouchure or "concert approach"?
With more than 30 certified music educators on our faculty, we take great care to use the correct embouchure and performance techniques. You will find from both brass and percussion standpoints, we teach no different than a symphonic approach to the instruments. The only exception would be the actual marching percussion as there are some differences to the sticking on a marching instrument vs. concert percussion. There are quite a few of our members that are successful music education and music performance music majors.
What do I do if my school ends after spring training begins?
Go through the audition process to give the Corps Director and Instructional Staff an understanding of your ability. We will then be able to ascertain how much of an absence your ability and talent will allow. In addition, we are happy to reach out to your school in regards to taking exams early, proctoring exams, etc. We have had many members that have dealt with this type of conflict, and have made it work so they are able to fulfill all of their school responsibilities and their corps membership.
What if I have a question not answered here?
Send an e-mail to director@bluestars.org or call our office at (608) 782-3219.