L.B.S. Cadets, Inc. is now Blue Stars, Performing Arts for Youth, Inc.

The parent organization of the La Crosse Blue Stars Drum & Bugle Corps, Blue Star Cadets Youth Band, Blue Stars Alumni Corps, and River City Rhapsody has changed its name from L.B.S. Cadets, Inc. to Blue Stars, Performing Arts for Youth, Inc.

"This organizational name change is something we have been discussing for a few years now to better reflect the nature of our organization," said Executive Director Brad Furlano. "The name L.B.S. Cadets, Inc. came about during our reorganization in the early 80s and was confusing to people as to how it relates to our organization and our current programs."

"The new name of the corporation provides a better description of who we are and what we do," said Furlano. "Additionally, the new name provides a better platform in which to expand our program offerings in the future."


Dr. David Kampschroer 1940-2015


The Blue Stars Return to DCI Division I Competition